Thursday, July 16, 2009

Umbrella pin cheat.

the new pin is in the boiler room.

New Better igloo catalog!

these sweet awesome cheats, well i think.

Green headphones cheat.

go to the cove and you will find the green headphones.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


wtf?? look at these!!!! i just got them in a message, but they are saying things about jesus, have no clue how, there are heaps more but dont wanna put them on!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

ruby and the ruby stage

this is one of my favorite stages 'cause there are awesome as secrets :D

secret pin:
1st click the lamp
then the draw
then the bin
then the book
then the flowers
then the the picture
then the safe under the picture

now for the catalog:

there is also a secret background, SWEET!!

all you have to do is drag the "how do you get coins" thing down

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The love of my life! (L)

The love of my life (lestiepestie) :)
love always!

new cloud wave braces in ninja catalog!

these are so sweet, if you wave you disapear in a cloud of smoke!!

New penguin style catalog!

this is my favorite catalog in whole club penguin! my favorite thing in thing in this catalog is the white diva sunglasses! :D

click on the red viking helmet cheat 4 times you
will get the blue viking helmet!Add Image

New dojo lanter pin!

the new lantern pin is located at the underground pool!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

clubpenguin firworks, and sensei!

these fire works are here for Canada day in Canada and for the USA people they are having it for there 4th of July! they are awesome!

other then that, sensei will be coming to visit real soon! he is coming on the 3rd of july and leaves on the 5th of july, and he is going to teach us a new move =] me can't wait :D